Length: 1 day, 8:30am-5pm
When: 22 March 2018
Where: London, venue to be confirmed
Price: £300
Who this is for: Dental Hygienists and Therapists
What you will learn:
You will:
- Gain experience in managing patients undergoing Oral Surgery treatments
- Be able to predict the most common complications during and after Oral Surgery procedures
- Acquire a solid understanding of simple and complex surgical techniques
- Perform dental extractions on pig's jaws and / or artificial models
- Learn how to manage patients with dento-facial infections
- Know the most common complications of surgical procedures and how to manage them
- Recognise medical emergencies and know how to react
- Understand the differences among local anaesthetics
- Learn basic suture techniques
Key topics covered by this course:
- Patient assessment prior to teeth removal
- Surgical armamentarium
- Anatomy applied to Oral Surgery
- Exodontia and surgical exodontia
- Cross-infection control
- Local anaesthetics
- Basis of Oral Medicine
- Management strategies for patients with dento-facial infections
- Common complications of surgical procedures and their management
- Medical emergencies
Download the full course description.
Our trainer: Mr Roberto Sacco, CDT, DDS, MSc, Pg Cert Sed
Mr Roberto Sacco is an avid learner and UK registered Oral Surgeon. He works as Oral Surgery Specialist - Honorary Clinical Teacher at King’s College Hospital in London, UK, where he is heavily involved in dental education and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students. He’s also a Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow - Sedation Deputy Director at UCL- Eastman Dental Institute as well as Clinical Lecturer at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. He's an external examiner for the Diploma of Primary Care in Oral Surgery at the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons of England. Learn more about Mr Sacco.
"I really enjoyed the Oral Surgery course which was well structured and balanced between theory, new guidelines, latest research and hands-on. Professionally delivered, it was good update for my daily practice and met like-minded professionals. It fully met my expectations therefore I'd strongly recommend it to my peers." Mr Fabrizio Rapisarda, DDS - London